Intriguing question

Crafters have been equipped with VW MQB based controllers since MY. So the BCMs are somewhat reconfigurable via adaptations - and there are plenty of those. Probably would need some trial and error experimenting.
Indeed, there are a couple of mentions in the adaptations which relate to remote's centre button (HDF-Funktaster). Unfortunately, having only the adaptation map of a vehicle doesn't show what options are actually available - just what's the current value.
View attachment 732
Would need to hook up VCDS into the BCM and then look into candidate channels to see what's possibly available in there.
PS. Quite impressive number of channels in the above BCM (from a MY23 Crafter) - almost 2800 channels to mess around with
PS2. Unknown to me if altering the BCM on Crafter is already locked by VAG's SFD mechanism - I believe not yet on Crafter/TGE. The protection would be shown in VCDS Auto-Scan on controller's VCID line as below (the snippet is not from Crafter)
View attachment 735
SFD - Schutz Fahrzeug Diagnose - Vehicle Diagnostic Protection