2018 Crafter - Ignition key will not turn in any door.


My relative’s 2018 van has two key fobs. Both mechanical keys work in the ignition switch but will not turn in any door.

My only guess is that the ignition lock and the physical key in both remotes have been changed. A fairly unlikely scenario, but possible.

Any other suggestions?

Related question. As currently only one remote key fob works there is a risk of a lockout if it fails. I am keen to set up some form of emergency method of getting into the van.

Am I correct that the door barrels do not mechanically turn the lock mechanism but simply operate a switch which signals the lock to open? I assume the internal door lock switch does the same thing?

If so, I should be able to wire a switch in parallel to this door switch and place that switch somewhere accessible . Possibly a magnetically activated reed switch just above the door trim at the bottom of the glass.

I know, it is a bit of strange solution, but if the locking barrel and inner door switch simply close 2 poles of a switch, it should work.

I cannot find anything online with an image or video of this switch.

Any useful comments appreciated.
Are you sure that you have tried the keys both ways up as they are not symmetrical. The key only fully engages one way up.
Logic would suggest the keys should work either way around. I am fairly sure I checked that will check again.

Unless I get another solution, my plan is to fit a reed switch behind the quarter panel window. Connect it to the switch that the key switches (key action is not a mechanical).

Attach a magnet somewhere. Voila, door open with no key.
Sounds to me the ignition barely has been changed together with new keys…..the door locks are probably original to the vehicle thus won’t work with the locks.
Either buy a lock set, or get the barrels on the doors changed.
Great idea with the reed switch, but as I learn over the years make life easy for yourself and do a complete lock change if £ permits