Passenger double seat question


New member
Quick question. I’ve just replaced my passenger’s double seat for a single and would like to use the double for additional passengers in the rear. Wondering if someone has done this and how it was achieved. Cheers
We have done this in some of our conversions... Typically with a raised floor. It's a tricky area to be honest as anything done is not to a tested standard. We always opt for the approach of going way over the top to be on the safe side. I manufacture a steel framework and use 5mm steel plate as a new base floor to bolt the seat through. The unit does end up quite heavy doing this which is something to avoid but i'd much rather know it's safe than save 10kg's
Thanks for your input, its appreciated. Over engineering is a speciality of mine, much to the annoyance of most people. Woke up last night with a lightbulb moment. I'll post pictures when I get it done.
I used a passenger seat of a t5 , ended up making a few frames under the van out of 6mm angle steel bolted through the chassis (behind drivers seat take exhaust and Heatshield off its pretty open )
I then bolted up from below through the seat so I can take it out leaving the bolts in place
I used a 6mm 80x80 angle under the rear of the seat and bolted an additional seatbelt to that and ran it under the seat cover alongside the origional on
All in all everything is bolted down solidly and the seat folds as it should with 2 working belts and no additional floor heigh so it's possible just headscratchy