Morning all,can I pick your collective brains again please?
When I first got my Crafter (2017 new shape lwb) back in Nov 22, on my first trip out I had an electrical issue that I resolved but couldn’t find the cause for. On further inspection I realised that the rain run off from the roof on the pax side was coming down the screen and into the channel where it should and out behind the front side panel. However I noticed that the water is also leaking out into the engine bay and was dripping straight onto the fuse box on the passenger side. I have tried various things - taped over the seal at the base of the windscreen to make sure that wasn’t letting any in (I should also mention the water could appear all along the metal ‘ledge’ that is just below the scuttle.). But it doesn’t seem to be the seal. I’ve cleared out the channels so nothing is blocking it, and I’ve covered the ‘holes’ which has stopped water coming in there - the ones on the internal side panel (One of my earlier questions
). I’ve had to resort to a lash up of a cover over my fuse box and a crude method of draining the water away. Since then the van hasn’t had any issues (probably shouldn’t say that
) but when I was in at the dealers I asked them about it and we had a look at a number of crafters on the forecourt. They all seemed to have the same issue of water pooling in various parts in the front engine bay area. As the water ingress just sits there where bolts go through etc I’m concerned at the potential for rust! Not to mention getting electric issues as water continues to drip onto the fuse box.
So my question is - has anyone had this issue in which case how did you resolve it? It seems like an awful design flaw as there is no cover on the fuse box, although my argument would be that the metalwork should be designed to make sure water runs out away from the engine bay!
My hookup point is just in front of the fuse box and it’s a bit of a pain having to move my lash up every time I want to plug in.
Any ideas, suggestions? Is it missing a part? I did wonder if there should be a rubber seal on the metal tray under the scuttle to make sure water runs toward the side panel?
Thanks in advance.

When I first got my Crafter (2017 new shape lwb) back in Nov 22, on my first trip out I had an electrical issue that I resolved but couldn’t find the cause for. On further inspection I realised that the rain run off from the roof on the pax side was coming down the screen and into the channel where it should and out behind the front side panel. However I noticed that the water is also leaking out into the engine bay and was dripping straight onto the fuse box on the passenger side. I have tried various things - taped over the seal at the base of the windscreen to make sure that wasn’t letting any in (I should also mention the water could appear all along the metal ‘ledge’ that is just below the scuttle.). But it doesn’t seem to be the seal. I’ve cleared out the channels so nothing is blocking it, and I’ve covered the ‘holes’ which has stopped water coming in there - the ones on the internal side panel (One of my earlier questions

So my question is - has anyone had this issue in which case how did you resolve it? It seems like an awful design flaw as there is no cover on the fuse box, although my argument would be that the metalwork should be designed to make sure water runs out away from the engine bay!
My hookup point is just in front of the fuse box and it’s a bit of a pain having to move my lash up every time I want to plug in.
Any ideas, suggestions? Is it missing a part? I did wonder if there should be a rubber seal on the metal tray under the scuttle to make sure water runs toward the side panel?
Thanks in advance.