Roof height


Active member
What roof height has everyone got, im comparing high vs super high roof

The super high looks to take internal height to over 2m for nice headroom but is it needed ? Is it worth the extra £2k cost ?
Following on from a chat it was suggested it may not even be available on new orders, anyone heard anything ?
Mine is a normal high roof, 1940+mm (6' 4" +) between factory installed floor and roof bows front & rear at the centre line. Obviously this will reduce with an insulated floor and roof lining.

From how I have seen the extra high roof it will reduce the area available for solar.
Super high EVERY time Pauly, especially if, like me, you value your actual living space.

But is it worth an extra £2k ????

High roof gives enough theoretical headroom but add some flooring and a poptop and can you stand up ok, that’s the crux of it ?
I’d say yes, 2k is worth the better (IMHO) quality of life.


I’m 5’10”, I have to stretch to manually adjust the Maxxfans, good job they are remote control.

I can just about touch the ceiling on flat feet.

Our storage cupboard doors swing upwards to open. I can walk under the doors when they are open so no ducking or banging heads.

Our bed is at seat squab height and we aren’t cramped when we sit up, also there’s enough clearance for my other half to stand up on the bed. I’d be very claustrophobic in a race van with the ceiling just a couple of feet away, close to my face in bed.

The super high roof is full fibreglass, and the top of the outside of the van is completely smooth, flat from front to back. No reinforcing indentations at all.

It’s also rock solid, and whilst I’d not want to walk on it, I suspect that it’d easily support my weight if I crawled on it.

I have only come across 2 bridges that I couldn’t get under.

The outside height is 2.85m incl vents etc.

Yep It’s fibreglass, and it’s all plus’s for me.

Really very solid no flex unlike Mo Uome panels, and no indentations, so it’s totally smooth from front to back.

Fitting fans/openings / solar etc is also more straightforward.

Only downsides I can think of are:-

Not a good ground plane
You need a decent ladder to reach up and wash the roof
