Loving the Crafter


New member
Hi and thanks for the help before I already registered. I sold my LWB 08 sprinter and went for MWB 19 crafter. Have to say very impressed. The sprinter gave me a bit of grief toward the end and the crafter came up. I do a lot of bike racing so need to kit it out for bikes, storage, water, compressor and heating. Working on ply lining at the moment and have a bit of wiring done.

Hi and thanks for the help before I already registered. I sold my LWB 08 sprinter and went for MWB 19 crafter. Have to say very impressed. The sprinter gave me a bit of grief toward the end and the crafter came up. I do a lot of bike racing so need to kit it out for bikes, storage, water, compressor and heating. Working on ply lining at the moment and have a bit of wiring done.

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