Help! Is a 2019 Crafter a good purchase?


New member

I hope this isn't too ridiculous a question but I am new to all this so please bear with me!

I am just about to purchase a 2019 Crafter. More specifically a 2.0 CR35 TDI L Startline 138BHP Luton. I want to convert into a camper.

I have done my research and everything seems to be saying these are good reliable vans. However... a chance meeting with a commercial vehicle mechanic today has scared me.

I've been told that they are a nightmare and he wouldn't recommend to anyone to buy one. He said about regular issues with glowplugs, and injectors and their sensors. EGR problems and some other stuff I can't even remember. He told me horror stories of dashboards lit up like a christmas tree!

I'd be really grateful for some advice from a group of owners of such vans to see what you all think... Is this scaremongering or are these vehicles really so problematic

Is there anything you would advise a new owner to look out for? I have found out the details of VW garage who have previously maintained it so I could ask any specific questions of them also if there's any you'd suggest.

Thanks so much in advance!

I can't answer your question as our TGE has only covered 6.6k but previous experience with T4s, T5s and a T6 has always been good. I don't like pointing folks away from this forum but there is a FB page dedicated to the conversion etc. of post 2017 Crafters and TGEs. However please remember that folks only post about problems and almost never about the trouble free vehicles so reading these places will always skew your impression.
I can't answer your question as our TGE has only covered 6.6k but previous experience with T4s, T5s and a T6 has always been good. I don't like pointing folks away from this forum but there is a FB page dedicated to the conversion etc. of post 2017 Crafters and TGEs. However please remember that folks only post about problems and almost never about the trouble free vehicles so reading these places will always skew your impression
I appreciate your thoughts. I have put a post on a Facebook group as you suggest. I think the conclusion I am coming to is whatever van I buy there is an element of luck involved! Thanks
Good luck with the purchase either this one or another. Please let us know how you get on.

Best advice is, don't rush into a decision or let your heart rule your head.
We haven't found the crafter's to be unreliable in the years we've been converting and using them. Ive had vehicles almost new and currently have a vehicle with 129,000 miles on it. The EGR issue is a popular one but again i've fixed 3 of them by simply changing the gasket on the cooler which is £40 and approx 3 hours labour or so. Nothing is perfect and as @rod_vw says not many come online to say how reliable their van has been!

Overall i'm impressed and really happy with them
3 engines produced after one another will still have variations so you may get issues or none at all ,my t5 was the "dreaded 2.5 " and drove faultlessly until I sold it on 215k apart from its first at clutch at 200k it was perfect so I'll keeping an open mind on the crafter and will be servicing every year as I've always done with previous vehicles as I think issues come from this 20k,30k interval crap .also don't be afraid to rip its arse out now and again